Phyllobates bicolor

Did you know?
The most toxic poison frog is Phyllobates terribilis from Colombia, which can produce enough toxin to kill eight people!

A fully planted vivarium can contain mosses, ferns, epiphytes like bromeliads and even flowering orchids!

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Phyllobates bicolorScientific name: Phyllobates bicolor

Common name: Black-legged poison frog

Distribution: Western Colombia

Favoured terrain: This is an active species - like the larger dart frogs it is predominantly ground-dwelling where it spends its time hunting for food.

Phyllobates bicolorDificulty: A larger frog with an equally large apetite. Keep well fed

Notes: Phyllobates bicolor is a stunning dartfrog - it is closely related to Phyllobates terribilis and as such would be highly toxic in the wild. Like all dartfrogs it looses its poison in captivity.


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Poison Dart Frogs as Pets. Poison Dart Frog Care, Behavior, Diet, Interaction, Costs and Health Poison Dart Frogs as Pets. Poison Dart Frog Care, Behavior, Diet, Interaction, Costs and Health

This site contains photographs, information on poison dart frog husbandry, their habitats from the Amazon rainforest, and elsewhere in South America. There are articles on tropical plants (bromiliads, orchids, epiphytes), vivariums, and of course the frogs themselves. If you have any suggestions please contact me on


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